What Men Really Want In A Woman And A Relationship Explained…

Do You Know What Your Man Honestly Needs to Feel Desperately in Love and Remain Utterly Convinced That You’re the Only Woman for Him?

Get Ready to Learn How Men Think, What Their Words & Actions Really Mean… and How to Effortlessly Be That One One-In-A-Million Woman Your Man Never Wants to Lose

Are you frustrated and confused by the things that men say and do, to the point where you just keep running into the same bad relationship issues over and over… but with different men?

If you’ve had a tough time in your relationships wondering what in the world men are thinking, and you see that men don’t get you either… then odds are there’s has been a huge GAP IN UNDERSTANDING between you and any man you’re with.

If you find yourself wondering constantly:

“Why men are so fickle, why it seems like they’re afraid of building a REAL and committed relationship?

A man has a deep desire to be in a connected, secure relationship…

Why do so many men cheat and what can I do to make sure to affair-proof my own relationship?

Why is so hard to express myself to him and get him to listen and care?”

… Then being a mature woman who knows what she wants and deserves, it only comes down to one single important question for you to ask and answer for yourself… and the rest will fall into place:

What are you doing about this GAP in understanding between you and a man to make sure your love will be appreciated, grow and last?

Effortlessly Become The Woman He Can’t Resist

6 hours of audio insights and a-has

45+ workbook pages of slides and prompts

Streaming and downloadable format

Immediate Access on all devices

Money-Back Guarantee

♥ ♥ ♥

Only $209 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $52.25


Think for a moment about where you would be if you had an amazing, mature, great guy in your life. Would you feel more confident if you knew:

  • Exactly what to say and do so that your man feels that staying with you was more than worth it, even when you had challenges, fights, and disagreements
  • How to keep from feeling unintentionally hurt by little things he says and does… when he may not even know he is doing these things
  • How to keep your man close to you, and inspire that side of him that wants to be a constant source of love and support for you

In Inside The Mind Of A Man program, I’ll show you:

  • One of the most common ways women accidentally push away good men they love, and what men need in order to feel desperately in love with you
  • Insight into what he’s really saying – especially when he pushes your buttons or frustrates you
  • 7 specific ways you can communicate your feelings that will bring you closer together and create amazing intimacy… because you won’t come off as “needy” or “too emotional” to a man
  • Why men cheat and specific steps to take to affair-proof your relationship
  • How to know a “good” man when you see one by knowing what stage of maturity he’s at, just by simple observation
  • The 3 Male Archetypes and why knowing them can help you figure out exactly where your man is at in life, what his strengths and weaknesses are, and what a relationship MEANS TO HIM
  • And too much more to list here…

ALSO – for the first time ever – I got an amazing group of 4 open and honest men on stage with me in this program, and together we answered the tough questions about men from the female audience. Lots of the women, at the live recording of this program, couldn’t stop talking about how hearing these truths from them changed their whole outlook and helped them see things in a new way.

If you truly understood how guys think about and feel about women and relationships, then you wouldn’t be still feeling frustrated wondering what in the world men are thinking, and why they do such crazy things.

My Inside The Mind Of A Man program will change your love life and do so by changing your story with men.

Get This Entire Program Online RIGHT NOW, Risk-Free And Receive:

  • 4+ hours of content – you can listen to immediately online
  • Accompanying workbook – full of teaching slides and helpful material
  • Detailed track listing – for quick access to find & re-play your favorite chapters

Because I want as many women as possible to benefit from this program, I’ve priced it at only 4 easy monthly payments of $]… and it comes with my better-than-money-back guarantee.

You can download my programs or access them online from your computer, smartphone, or other portable device.

In Inside The Mind Of A Man, You’ll Learn:

Section 1 – Your Approach With Men

Section 1: Your Approach With Men

  • How your previous experiences with men are affecting your current relationships
  • What you need versus what men need and want (but won’t always tell you)
  • A simple yet powerful technique that will give you insight into any man
  • 3 myths about men that get women into trouble
  • The limiting beliefs that are holding you back from a great relationship
Section 2 – The Inner World Of A Man

Section 2: The Inner World Of A Man

  • What a relationship with an emotionally mature man really looks like
  • The 4 phases of male maturity – and how to spot where a man is at
  • Male lingo decoded: what he says and what he really means
  • The one thing a man yearns to feel in his relationship with you
  • His 3 greatest fears – and how to make him feel completely at ease with you
Section 3 – What He Really Needs

Section 3: What He Really Needs

  • How to share your feelings with him without being “needy” and pushing him away
  • The one criteria a man will use to determine whether to commit to you
  • What men really think about getting physical – and why they cheat
  • How to avoid the two biggest mistakes women make in relationships
  • The 8 big attraction killers for men – and what really works to get him hooked
Section 4 – Flirting And Getting Physical

Section 4: Flirting And Getting Physical

  • What the sex in your relationship says about your connection with a man
  • The real difference between having sex and making love
  • How to create a sacred space so that you and a man can say anything to each other
  • What men think about the way you flirt and how you approach them
  • The subtle signs you can give a man that will have him asking you out again
Section 5 – Special Guest Marie Forleo

Section 5: Special Guest Marie Forleo

  • How to ditch your old ideas about who is the perfect guy and truly recognize the perfect guy FOR YOU
  • Learn how to change old patterns that keep you stuck when meeting a new man
  • The secret to help you STAY PRESENT on a date – Once you learn this, you’ll be able to “engage” instead of “endure” going out on first dates
  • A simple, yet counterintuitive technique to HAVE FUN no matter where you are, or who you’re with

Try Inside The Mind Of A Man RISK FREE for 7 days. If for any reason you’re not happy, simply let me know before the 7 days are up, and I’ll give you a full refund. This program will take you from that place of “I just don’t get men and feel like it’s just never going to happen for me”… to “I can’t believe I finally have a great, connected relationship with an amazing man.”

My Risk-Free Promise

Effortlessly Become The Woman He Can’t Resist

6 hours of audio insights and a-has

45+ workbook pages of slides and prompts

Streaming and downloadable format

Immediate Access on all devices

Money-Back Guarantee

♥ ♥ ♥

Only $209 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $52.25


A man can go a lifetime wishing he finally met a woman who understood him at a deep level – his needs, his fears, his hopes and dreams. And when he finally finds that woman, he feels so good that he simply can’t help himself from wanting to be with her all the time.

I want you to be that woman… and experience for yourself the incredible feelings that come from truly getting each other. Because once a man feels you’re the woman who truly understands him, he’ll naturally and effortlessly give you all the love, understanding and security YOU’VE been wishing for.

All the happiness in life and love,

Jason Stedman

Effortlessly Become The Woman He Can’t Resist

6 hours of audio insights and a-has

45+ workbook pages of slides and prompts

Streaming and downloadable format

Immediate Access on all devices

Money-Back Guarantee

♥ ♥ ♥

Only $209 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $52.25